Greenland Paddle The first vacuum infusion of carbon built in Italy
We were able to complete our project to build a Greenland paddle carbon, due to all the PN paddles for efficiency and form. Our intention was to combine a traditional work closely with the technology industry's most advanced processing of carbon in the vacuum infusion autoclave, subjecting the artifact to cycles of pressure, vacuum and controlled temperatures. To get to make it an effective product to use, yet light and durable. All this was possible thanks to the contribution of a great professional, specializing in building high-performance carbon fiber, but also the determination and tenacity of Frederick, who has believed from the outset of this project, and that convinced me where to go after several failures I decided to quit. The idea of \u200b\u200btrying to build a paddle in the composite was created simply to improve that relationship work force required to produce the energy of movement, important events in the background, that sprint, raising the working point is in aerobic threshold, and anaerobic. Perhaps this is due to my past sets of marathon, where a saving of 30g. on a shoe produced by running a distance of 21km a quantifiable benefit to the absolute level of performance. Beyond the line and form, one of the points that I set was to obtain an elasticity of the composite likelihood of a wooden paddle, given the extreme rigidity that has the construction of a building worked in carbon vacuum infusion. This was definitely one of the biggest problems we faced, but time after time, working on the crossings on the type of tissue, as well as the weights specific, we obtained an elasticity can be measured with a dynamometer peak load, like a wooden paddle Douglas. The paddle is a classic greenland, oval handle, weight 708g. It is built with three carbon fiber fabrics, which un'unidirezionale, a more or less nineties, and finally, a forty-five degrees, all fabrics are placed in total length without joints or patches. The paddle was last tested and approved by a large number of highly competent kayakers, not least Maligiaq Padilla, who has recently decided to try to Bibione our latest prototype, using it is to make the demonstration of its innumerable figures of Eskimo, the race is sponsored by Coast.