I read a thought of a writer, Massimo Orlandi, who says: "Prune. Is easy to understand why this verb we use only for plants. Why prune themselves is much more difficult. There is easy to recognize our dead branches, we do not like giving up anything of what we have, because all we have, at least so it seems, it is necessary. We complain, yes . In personal relationships harnessed in themselves, a job that has become barren, a claustrophobic social life, of being tied to too many securities. But we believe that all these conditions are inevitable and we offer one thousand excuses for not touching them. Pruning acts to sever the branches of those routes that have become sterile without waiting to rot, perhaps overwhelming the healthy parts. Guccini reminds us that "we must be able to choose in time, not to get opposition." The action of the crop, a wise and timely power as that of the farmer, certainly creates a vacuum at the beginning, but then slowly opens the pores makes new energy filter, we feel freer, more real.
E 'a gesture of love for ourselves, an unthinkable act of love. "Luigi Padovese
again writes:" These are the postings that we have to realize that fill us with fear. For this reason we happen to focus our energies on holding things. There is excessively cumbersome. So every now and then feel the need to reduce and to take off into something new. We are faced with the need to balance our security needs with our needs for growth. "Why, quoting Father Vannucci," Whoever wants to go forward in life you which would break away, break up, as the flower bud is separated from the fruit of the flower ... surrender to the previous form to go forward. "
In a moment of quiet, yesterday reflected on these words and I feel that its time has come for me one of those moments where you need to get rid of any unnecessary burden. So I tried to show, to give shape and content to the weight rests on the shoulders and I feel I have compiled an initial list of 'things' that I would like to break free:
- first and foremost I would like to free up many objects, furniture, clothing, unnecessary supellettile . Remove everything from my house that is not strictly necessary for daily life (because I keep 3 of dishes, glasses and an unknown number of bowls of all types? Why dwell in the bathroom cabinet ranks of bottles of bubble bath? E 's list goes on ... for pages). I would like voids, a few simple lines and functional, visually restful place where everything has its very reason for being;
- I would not have to worry about what I wear most of the morning, something comfortable and dignified but without any frills. A sort of uniform but does not represent other but myself. Recognizable in its essential simplicity;
- I would like to prune unnecessary pleasantries, the solid hypocrisies of everyday life, the conventions and all the security waved flags as to be able to more often say: "Today I have no answers for you, but if you can find them together .. "
- I would stay out of conflicts that do not grow and serve only to establish boundaries and power;
- but I would also learn how to turn the latent need for acceptance and recognition that too often has made me hesitate on the path of my growth and sometimes even led me to bend down a street not really desired
- I would finally be able to leave behind all things that I have been 'date' in inheritance, delivery, gift that I never asked, I do not need me or even slow down the march
- I want to learn not to try more excuses for not immediately satisfy these desires.
- I want to start light and this is my purpose today.
And you what you would like to prune in your life or your organization?