Every day, I do not remember how many years, I compare this little note on my agenda. For
it repeated like a maniac without excluding Saturdays, several Christmases and birthdays, friends that have read by now believe it was a joke.
too often put on the floor dell'ilarità, but there are times when I seriously wonder why the evening continues to add to the commitments of the morning.
at noon, when your boss and colleagues out for lunch. The perfect moment of solitude. When they leave
thinking to find everything as they left ... and their day seems to be born again if the return is from an email or read the bottle of water to fill ...
not because once I finally find him, finally committed suicide?
The touch that can make you an artist ... but how?
Poisoning the sandwich I order at the bar?
Beat his head violently against the bathroom door?
Swallowing coins into the machine instead of coffee?
I believe to be the impulse to guide me in this choice.
I feel that moment to arrive for another week while ritrascrivo my commitment. I do this for so long that will certainly end in this way. There will come
as the warning of a new email. Unexpectedly, on a day like any other. For me too, until the lunch break.
Rider with them might not yet know who will be the last bars. Perhaps
, returning, scruterò my face in the bathroom mirror, telling me to stop. What I have to stop now.
Maybe I'll eat that sandwich with more gusto than usual, because after the bathe in blood.
So plant it to enjoy like a kid at the thought. Just try it. On my skin, on the carpet of the office ...
I do not know if I'll keep the commitment tomorrow or the next day, as I do not know if it will complete even this agenda.
so close to not be afraid more to forget.

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