I decided: after building several baidarka is the time of the two Hole, which had long been in my mind this idea, and if I did not until now has been simply for its considerable size, but now I have decided, even in the future there will also be on site construction of the three-hole.
I love this boat in a visceral, both for its seaworthiness truly extraordinary, is, and above all, the anthropological, and soon in various writings on the blog speak precisely of baidarka and the people of the Aleuts.
The interest for this boat is sprung watching a documentary on TV, the movie showed a spot of fishing at night in the waters of the Bering Strait sea area rich in fish, especially shellfish, but also where the risk to the fishermen is very high, because of adverse weather conditions.
The scenes of the movie were awesome, the ocean-going vessels, it seemed, straws ungovernable at the mercy of the sea, giant waves, crashing, completely covering the decks of boats, fishermen, all were insured, with the tops, not to be overwhelmed by the waves. and the wind was blowing so strong and relentless, and ran pictures of the movie, the commentator, has pointed to an ancient people That the Aleuts aboard boats called rudimentary Iquayak Baidarka and later, hunted and hunting food, in this part of the sea so disastrous.
From there started my research on the existing literature on this type of vessel, with interest, both technical and constructive anthropological up to the construction of the baidarka. Originally made of wood and then in skin on frame,
trying to keep as much as possible the original philological method.
ethnologists and anthropologists such as Smith, F. De Laguna, Birket, Robert Lamblin and others have amassed a considerable amount of data, reconstructing the history of this ancient people and their boats. But surely the merit of bringing the baidarka a new life, we owe it to George Dyson in 1970 to know that pulls together this kayak and its history. Writing a wonderful book and start again to build the baidarka that had been missing for now two generations even in the Aleut culture, no longer a nation of hunters. Zimmerly
Thanks also an anthropologist who has given so much on knowledge of the kayak in the arctic and baidarka including manufacturers such as Brink, Corey and others, that their schools have started construction by thousands of amateur enthusiasts.
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