Monday, February 2, 2009

Good Pro Life Thesis Statements

Les Farfadais - The 'Spirit' Talent

MANA , 'the spirit of things' is the title of this show of 'visual circus' two brothers born from the Italian-French gathered around him a group of artist-athletes with drugs which are preparing to conquer every audience in the world.

Stéphane Alexandre, Emily, Claudia, Francesca are just some of the names I should mention that the company Les Farfadais , but I chose them because they're friends, we ate together, visited Paris together, I was a guest in their loft-gym , I have guests at home and in my camper .... well, I have taken part in their everyday normality. I was able to see 'beyond' the profession, sets and costumes (all rigorously made by Farfadais!) And I tried to understand what lies behind an explosive talent like theirs. I think the first

all there is the absolute knowledge that you have received a gift, the need for sacrifice (you know how much pain is necessary to learn to bear to make those aerobatics?), the responsibilities that come with your choice of profession, discipline, the respect for others (colleagues and the public) and then of course a lot of passion, a passion that devours everything and always.

Stéphane Alexandre and are always in place, even when they are on the ground, and constantly create all intrigues and inspires them to create: they all have a relationship with the reality that seem to constantly transcend perfectly embodies the Mana , that 'spiritual energy which gives its name to their most famous show. Their talent is so strong that reverberate in every place where the exhibit and looking at more than one person, besides me, will perhaps come to see the imprint of the Divine.

I wonder what would have been if they had taken other roads, if the difficulties of the beginning, the sacrifices, or any negative feedback they had been stopped. But perhaps the talent lies in this: in an inner strength that makes you never give in and that forces you to exercise iron discipline, integrity in that you do not give excuses and justifications instead of forcing you to go always a little 'more beyond your limits. In spite of everything.

talent you can not hang all'attaccapanni when we come home: it is an essential quality of our life more than anything is what makes us who we are, is there with us when we go shopping or chatting with friends at bar is a light that shines and as such must be left in sight, not only because it's nice to admire, but also because it makes visible around the eyes that otherwise would remain in the shadows.


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