If you are intoxicated, having been thoroughly improbable half a dozen recipes for happiness, if you've had enough of senseless advice guru and sexologists, technocrats and teachers of life, instead of preaching about being and having inner peace, this book is for you. Also, you can not appreciate that this "modest proposal" to learn how to become unhappy, if you feel that the traffic light turns red just for you, and if the assiduous practice of the suspect ended up shaping your intuition, if you say often, 'L' I told ..."; if you try a quiver (of unspeakable joy? of anger?) when targeted by the paradoxical and paralyzing exhortation: "Be spontaneous !"... To attack, in a fit of philanthropy, aspiration so deadly encysted as a concept in our tradition - Happiness -, Watzlawick mobilize all the tricks of argument, all the means, intelligence critical to the black humor, presenting them with an ironic mirror, keeping alive a constant tension between the fun and to recognize the discomfort, but not deprived of the pleasure of 'interpret the message: how to be happily unhappy? how not to get too much unhappiness? or other? (Cover notes)
In these times of crisis, the long faces around us seem to invite us to adjust the mood on the context, as if it was in bad taste to be too happy ... This thought inspired me so the purchase of a very provocative book titled: How to make her unhappy. I will recommend it highly.
It 's true: we humans like to think that unhappiness is (always and only) out of us, an exogenous variable in short ... an inevitable condition that overwhelms us and we try in vain to flee for life.
Yet happiness is a state of mind that belongs to us just as human beings: it is a quality inherent in freedom and self-consciousness of all sentient beings. Because happiness is above all a choice - because we are free to react to adverse events without being suffocated by them, separating the 'what happens' in life, 'what we' - and is therefore aware of our nature, we forget to remember it when you want to suffer, when we stop obsessively seek the reasons why 'we must' be unhappy.
is worth to bring about the conclusion of the book, quoting Dostoyevsky :
"Everything is good. ... More. Man is unhappy because he can not be happy. For that reason alone. That's it, everything! Who understands it will be happy now, immediately, at the same time ... "
Ve leaving it as a reflection of the evening ...
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