After a week of vacation, thanks to a beautiful day today here in Rome, I put two hands on the baidarka hole.
The idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding a double, was born from my personal need, or to have a kayak, specifically dedicated to tourism also demanding faster, and for several days, with a good load capacity, even with a manageable weight women, but especially with higher quality marine.
The choice could not have been on two of the baidarka hole, and then you want. Now I'm sick of baidarkite, Renzo Beltrame before me, and now the virus is infecting more people. Kayak
This refers to the pattern found at the National Museum of USNM 160336 Washington, designed by David W. Zimmerly.
The kayak followed by a change on my specific needs, the most important will be the size of the larger windows and the location, which will be inclined 3cm.sull 'rear support to facilitate the entry and exit from the kayak.
The size will be 6.30 m length width 58cm., height inside the inner-cross bridge 26.5 cm.
The kayak will be provided, however, the rudder, to facilitate the conduct , The weight, I hope to testify before the 31 kg.
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