Thursday, October 29, 2009
Franson Coordtrans V2.3 Free
NEW WORLD Crisis? The opportunity to start over. Love? Al center of everything. The French sociologist who feels "the way" talks about chaos, happiness and future, proposing as a solution to the eco-sofia
Mismetti Capua Carlotta (Women from the Republic of the Web today)
The world as it is wrong. They do not go the cities, alien and unhealthy. It should not be education, the lack of understanding of others and knowledge of the planet. It should not be the economy, far from our needs and ecology. And human relationships are solitary, without poetry. But our future is not doing better, it is still the sixties and we realized. According to French sociologist Edgar Morin's time to reinvent everything, starting from love. And the crisis is an opportunity perfect to start over. "We need a global transformation," he says. "We believe that the technological and economic development would be the locomotive of democracy and prosperity. But today you have to replace the hegemony of the quantity with quality, and put at the center intangibles like love and happiness." Edgar Morin, 88 years and a career among the most brilliant intellectual of the last century - the director of the CNRS (Centre national de la recherche scientifique), Chairman of the Agency for Cultural Heritage and academic fees in more than 15 universities around the world - has been involved in ethnology, television, cinema, language of cybernetics, systems theory, pedagogy and materials that were disdained by intellectuals of the fifties. So much so that his biography, published this year in France and signed by Emmanuel Lemieux, defines it as early as the undisciplined title. But Morin is now particularly interested in ecology. In his books and in public debate proposed "eco-sofia politics," and calls on the Left (including the PD) to take to transform the world. How can ecological thinking to help the policy? "The policy of energy conservation, for example, is also a political struggle against the poisoning of the consumerist middle classes. You must understand that, and we begin to calculate, including the ecology of human nature. Suffering, happiness, love, in short all that is important in our lives and that seems extra-social, personal, not become part of the GDP of a country. All solutions are quantitative, but when the policy will take into consideration the immense need for love of men? ". In Method wrote that love is the only true religion of the hyper-complex. In his life what he learned love? "The love of human hyper-mammals like us is the ability to be reborn, to start over. As Bob Dylan sang, the one that is not going to be born is to die: there is the ecstasy of meetings to regenerate. And this also applies at the collective level: I was lucky enough to live the liberation of Paris in May 1968, and other moments in the history of ecstasy. Today I think is one of these: it is remarkable that Barack Obama lead the U.S.? The unexpected always surprises us, we must never forget that the unexpected is to move the world. "Instead, what we intoxication?" Simplifying ideas. The clear and distinct thoughts, which reject the darkness, uncertainty and complexity. Those thoughts that they think they own the world but are possessed by the ghost of mad lucidity. "What is a healthy mind?" An ecological thinking is necessary, but can not be healthy if you do not accept their insanity. It is in the dialogue between order and disorder that is the soul of the world. In our case, particularly hyper-psychic hyper-emotional dialogue between the measure and excess, between the party and the Demens sapiens, is inextricably linked. A true horror of the ecological thought must be healthy, because the best of possible worlds is also the worst. "Our society seems to be more solitary solidarity, in the words of Camus. How to rebuild what is broken?" Camus, this is not separated the personal from the political: in the fifties, when this behavior was viewed with suspicion. Now it is true that we have more solitude that solidarity and I have to admit that we have not yet managed to develop a political thought that put together the ideal and the existence of everyday life, love and solidarity. "You say that cities are now places a little human. As Paris has changed her? "This is not the same city where I grew up. New loneliness, new antagonisms, frustrated desires and the arrest of a European perspective: this has made life paralyzing. But I live a much wider world of Paris. The Mediterranean, for example, with musical tastes, smells, pleasure. " The uncertainty now is psychological support from human beings? "We are, as Heidegger said, in the dark end of the night. But we are also beginning to dawn, the second human prehistory globalized. We must not forget that life is fragile, uncertain and at the same time very open: the potential Human are immense, must use them. "For over a century mental illness are seen as social ills. How to manage?" The madness is very much a part of the human condition: it is only the worship of reason, order, which does not consider human. But it is the cult itself to be Demens, because the dark and irrational side of us men is not only destructive or antisocial. Also generates the tenderness, eros, ecstasy, joy and brotherhood. It is very useful to build a dialogue with our unconscious part, without wanting to dominate. "Do you think the left has no ideas how to get justice and happiness?" The left has always cultivated the spirit of change, but today it does so in fragmented forms . It is necessary that the policy See radical uncertainty these days not so much, or not only a threat of disorder and therefore a need for order (the instance of the right) but the birth, some painful, of a new company-the world. "How can we overcome "Our inner barbarism"? "We had so many disasters and tragedies, from the Nazi atomic bomb. What else do we need to understand that we are all lost on this planet? To find out what we can do is love, fraternize, feel in one common destiny? ". What do the enchants yet?" Crying, love, laugh, understand. I am always on the road, and at the same time an old man, an adult, a teenager and a child. Curiosity and passion are "Fact" in my life. An omnivorous curiosity and an endless passion. "
METHOD OF EDGAR Humanist scholar and eclectic, Edgar Morin is known for his interdisciplinary work in which he shot down the barriers between different subjects.'s Going to get to Italy, in a double date: 11 November to Meet The Media Guru (free registration subject to availability), in Milan, where he will speak of "Ethics of complexity", and 13 to 15 November at the conference "The quality of 'inclusive education', in Rimini: Rebuilding will be released on that occasion, the word policy (published by the Centro Studi Erickson, who recently released a compendium of his work by Sergio Manghi). Him Routledge has published six volumes of the method on the complexity and Feltrinelli Think Europe, Life of life, the cinema or the imaginary man. In 1967, Edgar Morin's interest to mass communication is expressed in the journal Communications, founded by Georges Friedmann and Roland Barthes, which is co-director, and is available online, including archives ( / web / revues )
Friday, October 9, 2009
He's The Macaroni To My Cheese
We svalicato partners ManagerZen us this year and we arranged to meet in the newly 'Free Republic of Alcatraz' hills between Gubbio and Perugia, where he established The best known Free University of Alcatraz , founded by Jacopo For.
E 'was a weekend full of meetings, ideas and shared thoughts, but mostly a lot of enthusiasm and desire to leave for new organizational models, towards a new way of doing business and - why not? - Even politics *.
Among the many suggestions proposed here will launch one, the one that opened the work. It 'an invitation to break the paradigms that keep us prisoners, patterns, modus operandi, personal habits and work even when we apply obstinately cease to have any evolutionary success and indeed have now become an obstacle on the path of evolution and our organizations we work. Enough with the summer hits of :"... we have always done so, "" Never change a winning team, "it was better when it was worse," so all fans! "," Never seen anything kind "," it is not possible .... "And so on and so forth. Enough with the labels of gender, type approvals, including the standardization of thought, enough with the anesthesia of spirit and mind that seems to want to be swallowing our civilization. It is not necessary to believe that this is inevitable, and if a context we do not like, do not ask others to begin to change: let's do it ourselves first and for a good start, before acting or speaking on the basis of any certainty, let us ask ourselves if what we 'sell' as a universal truth is not only appropriate for an old paradigm to overcome ...
* NOTE: I here a small political act, and I dissociate myself completely from the public and 'paradigm Italianness' shown in this video propaganda. I also feel offended as a citizen, the message contained therein and to me it sounded like a call for secession. It is (nientepopodimenoche!) of the video used by the PDL to tomorrow's re-election of Berlusconi .... those who have not seen it yet you should click here . (But please watch it with the proper emotional detachment, after all, if it were not true, I could think of a joke directed by Mel Brooks.)
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Brazillian Wax For Money

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
A Family Phrase Or Slogan
Monday, July 6, 2009
Exercises For Pectus Carinatum

The world of business, just in the last 10 years, is trying to make a change to their businesses trying to answer a question that business people are often more sensitive than placing itself: "What is' the role and what is the corporate influence in the social field? companies can help social development in its context"?
Pondering the meaning of the quotation cited above, it can be seen in the world have opened consultations cross between economists, philosophers and social scientists who seek answers about this possible business contribution to development.
E 'born and then a movement of thought which led to a great cultural innovation in enterprises. Known as CSR - Corporate Social Responsibility namely (a) corporate social responsibility, this movement is influencing the social policies of governments, companies' financial policies, the textbooks of economics students in universities around the world and the world's operating business.
In the classical model of capitalism and the definition of firms' that identifies the primary purpose in creating profit. The past two centuries have been full of businesses and entrepreneurs who have used this definition in the true sense of the term and have used the market and its entrepreneurial and managerial skills to increase profit by any means. In recent years, however, the businessmen have understood also that a lot of damage had been done to both peoples on the planet and have begun a series of discussions and consultations that led to greater awareness, and have realized that the only guarantee of economic stability is the ability to create "wellness" in society more broadly.
This "in the broadest sense" led to a redefinition of the innovative, no longer exclusively geared to the achievement of profit at any cost, but other objectives such as:
"the happiness of employees, improving quality of life community that revolves around it, The improvement in the application of values, the improvement of the ecosystem "and so on. It
and 'then came to outline these other goals in six major entities, "six key dimensions" associated with the enterprise of whatever kind it may be, in whatever field it works and produces, wherever you are.
key entities, in economics, are called "stakeholders", to which the company has a responsibility. And here comes a new alignment to the vision of entrepreneurs is repeated below:
"The most important role that business must play in economic development is therefore to provide to individuals and institutions the means by which they can achieve the real purpose of development, namely building the foundations for a new social order to cultivate the limitless potentialities latent in human consciousness. "
For information about Rapporteur Click here .
Admission to the public free of charge upon registration at
Thursday, July 9 - 20:30 - Fandis conference room, away for Castelletto 69, Borgo Ticino, NO
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Forrest Griffin Leather Jacker

The qualities of an ideal boss? Charisma, ability to motivation, confidence in the team. And a mix of humility and firmness, combined with a certain vision of the future. A little 'as Jesus, then, that according to a third of Italian employees, is the ideal model of the head at work.
Best of leaders, political and military leaders, who, by John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Napoleon, Julius Caesar Garibaldi, way in the top ten of the historical leaders. In second place was the prophet of non-violence Gandhi, who beat the revolutionary Che Guevara. E 'shown by a survey conducted by Accor Services, company that deals with innovative ways to combine welfare and productivity in the company (the famous Restaurant Ticket Compliments to the butler in the office) under an initiative called''The secret of success,''which involved more than 20,000 employees Italian, male and female, belonging to different business sectors, to elect the ideal garment. Surprisingly, Jesus literally beating their opponents, collecting as much as 35% of votes (in practice, one in three) and stands in second place much of Gandhi, stuck at 22.2%, and the third of Che Guevara (9.1 %). In short, three different types of revolutionaries led the rankings of the most beloved leaders. In short, Jesus in the office is undoubtedly the ideal garment. Curiously, as rated by Accor Services is not listed or no economic gurus of the business, and there are few political leaders also true. [...]
I found the excerpt of this article that dwell among some old papers on my desk and I could not help but think back to evangelical image that is particularly dear to me (and, believe me, almost daily source of inspiration professional): Christ kneeling in front of the apostles, intent on washing their feet. What a strong image and beautiful, right?
come from a decidedly secular family, and in some cases even openly anti-clerical, Yet as a child I felt an intense attraction to the figure of Jesus as a real historical figure and strikingly modern man. His action, then, following an interpretation is not conditioned by faith, is even more revolutionary and powerful God is certainly capable of infinitely generous and loving gesture, but man, how much can be claimed to yield to the service of his servants? In this sense, the charitable act of Jesus becomes an even stronger message against modernity and requires anyone who is named today to lead other men (and women, of course ...) to 'sacrifice' (in the etymological sense of 'do sacred ') and act only for their own good, with humility and a spirit of justice. But how many of us work very Managers following the Christian example? How we will still understand that our authorities will not be diminished need, but on the contrary it will be enhanced? And it's only a matter of authority ... or what is the Power which we aspire relamente behind the screen of a thousand good intentions?
for a level playing field, I conclude with a nice caption to the image above, taken from a book by an influential member of the Church. The conditions are different from mine, but they are identical in substance to the conclusions.
"Jesus' gesture is a gesture detector that tells us not only what Jesus has done, but what God is. And here we are facing a paradoxical mystery: Jesus manifests God 'as' in the service of Man. But if God is what he shows us of himself in what is at our service and if the Logos, which is the ultimate reason of all things, manifests itself as those who are totally at our disposal, then there is also revealed the way last of our existence, which is our total availability to others "
Carlo Maria Martini, The Gospel according to John, Rome (Borla), 212
On this theme, which I think is very current in a time when the economic situation and the market Labour are putting many workers in difficulty, I would like all readers, dealing with people like me in the business, engage in a sincere reflection and would lay in front of this as gospel in a peaceful attitude of self-evaluation.
If you like, is obviously more than welcome to share your thoughts here ...
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Side Effects Of An Overbite

Here is a book that you can put in your suitcase for your next vacation: it is not a handbook for professionals but a 'noir' written by a professor of comparative literature, Abraham Ben Yehoshua, at the University of Haifa (Israel) and published by Einaudi Super ET in the series. Price: € 11.00.
A suicide bomber blows himself up in a Jerusalem market. A woman dies. It was foreign, lived alone in a squalid shack with a religious neighborhood. Nobody goes to claim his corpse to the mortuary of the Mount Scopus. Yet Julia Regajev yet formally a job as a cleaner in a large bakery in the city. An unscrupulous journalist uses the case to baste a scandal and denounces the 'inhumanity' of the company, which has not even noticed the absence of the employee.
It is for the human resources manager, sent on mission by the elderly owner of the bakery, trying to undo the damage of the image. But the journey to the burial of the compassionate woman reveals to him more important than a window dressing in public opinion. For a character of Joshua, being responsible does not mean to be guilty, but also actively carry the weight of a moral imperative. Thus the human resource manager learns that even a small fault, such as that have stained his company must not be overlooked, because even small faults can have a terrible power.
Happy reading!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Blueprints Of A Hair Salone

Alberto Peretti
need from finding a simple but overlooked: when we work not only produce goods or services, but we produce ourselves, we form a very significant piece of our existence and that. What makes our work life? What health, individually and collectively?
a long, long time, the work has undergone a process of reification that has led many workers to perceive themselves as simple functions, their achievements as mere things, the world of work as a right only by mechanical and instrumental relationships mediated by money. In the work of private
existential tension the human being seeks its completeness, its fulfillment, its flowering. In a word, does not seek to produce for themselves and for others a good life, a life worth living. The separate work from the elements that make full and rewarding working life reduced to productive action aimed at achieving a purpose outside itself and translated into an absolute monetary value generates ill-being, individually and collectively.
The well-being of people can and should be sought not only after hours of working, but also within it, reconnecting the production dynamics by looking for a good life. Any proposal for a civilization is measured not by what marginalizzerà work, but how will know and be able to put the its center. This means we need not look for the social well-being through work, and when considered as a simple tool production or enrichment material, but in the work, understood and valued as a dimension of good life.
intervention moves from the idea that ethical reflection is a condition to be working well, that health is also at work where people can responsibly evaluate, choose to follow guidelines of ethical behavior. Ethical reflection can observe the daily work of a deeper and broader perspective, that is not only the economic or interest-performing, rather than the enrichment of the human dimension, ethical, spiritual, relational.
Thanks to ethical reflection can provide the labor and organizational systems of a vital and energizing spiritual restlessness. Reconnecting people working to depths of his soul, breaking the sense of alienation and indifference which humiliates the existence of many.
must be clear that the work ethic has nothing to do with either the simple professional ethics or with the banal "doing good". It 'true that a job retie with the depth of the existence of those who work is a work dedicated to the true effectiveness and efficiency of the authentic. The creation of conditions for a good life work is, among other things, the best guarantee of quality performance and service excellence.
Free admission. For info and registration:
Thursday, May 7, 2009
A Fun Church Anniversary Celebration

E 'a gesture of love for ourselves, an unthinkable act of love. "Luigi Padovese
again writes:" These are the postings that we have to realize that fill us with fear. For this reason we happen to focus our energies on holding things. There is excessively cumbersome. So every now and then feel the need to reduce and to take off into something new. We are faced with the need to balance our security needs with our needs for growth. "Why, quoting Father Vannucci," Whoever wants to go forward in life you which would break away, break up, as the flower bud is separated from the fruit of the flower ... surrender to the previous form to go forward. "
In a moment of quiet, yesterday reflected on these words and I feel that its time has come for me one of those moments where you need to get rid of any unnecessary burden. So I tried to show, to give shape and content to the weight rests on the shoulders and I feel I have compiled an initial list of 'things' that I would like to break free:
- first and foremost I would like to free up many objects, furniture, clothing, unnecessary supellettile . Remove everything from my house that is not strictly necessary for daily life (because I keep 3 of dishes, glasses and an unknown number of bowls of all types? Why dwell in the bathroom cabinet ranks of bottles of bubble bath? E 's list goes on ... for pages). I would like voids, a few simple lines and functional, visually restful place where everything has its very reason for being;
- I would not have to worry about what I wear most of the morning, something comfortable and dignified but without any frills. A sort of uniform but does not represent other but myself. Recognizable in its essential simplicity;
- I would like to prune unnecessary pleasantries, the solid hypocrisies of everyday life, the conventions and all the security waved flags as to be able to more often say: "Today I have no answers for you, but if you can find them together .. "
- I would stay out of conflicts that do not grow and serve only to establish boundaries and power;
- but I would also learn how to turn the latent need for acceptance and recognition that too often has made me hesitate on the path of my growth and sometimes even led me to bend down a street not really desired
- I would finally be able to leave behind all things that I have been 'date' in inheritance, delivery, gift that I never asked, I do not need me or even slow down the march
- I want to learn not to try more excuses for not immediately satisfy these desires.
- I want to start light and this is my purpose today.
And you what you would like to prune in your life or your organization?
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
What Colour Tie Goes With A Grey Shirt

for you Alex, for everything that we told and enthusiasm for your young ...
often cite the parable of Saint-Exupery when I'm talking about 'motivation' with fellow managers and I do it because I do not think you can really 'motivate' people. At least not directly, through stimulation 'outsiders' such as rewards and punishments. I do not deny that some short-term result can also be achieved by monetary incentives and career or with a few more benefits, but are we really sure that they are suitable means to retain people, they become truly creative and efficient? Or is this a thinly-veiled blackmail?
Over the past thirty years ', Professor Teresa Amabile, a student of' Managerial Management Unit at Harvard Business School, has conducted extensive research on students and professionals to identify the secrets of the grounds and found that: first, the rewards encourage people to focus strictly on a task, carried out as quickly as possible and taking a few risks. Second, people feel controlled by the reward. They feel less autonomous, and this may interfere with the performance. Finally, extrinsic rewards can erode intrinsic motivation. People who see themselves as if they worked for money, approval or competitive success find their work less enjoyable, and therefore do not play well.
In contrast, intrinsic motivation comes into its operations where there is gratification, curiosity and sense of mastery - because the balance between challenging and objective awareness of their responsibilities - in addition, this type of motivation is closely tied to the feeling of being able to contribute to an act of 'generation'.
All this thinking about how important it is to channel our emotions into the pleasure of "doing what you do" without stubbornly put as a condition of the result or the final evaluation. When men and women are engaged in work they love and are enabled to be fully immersed in an activity in which they are valued and recognized, then they will see the creativity flowing. Even in the darkest hours. Often they take the feeling of working in a 'state of grace' or 'state of flow' - "... flow - The State In Which I know people are Involved in an Activity That Nothing Else Seems to Matter, the experience is so enjoyable Itself That people will do it even at great cost, for the sheer sake of doing it. "(Csikzentmihalyi, 1991) - in which time seems to suspended and everything runs smoothly and quickly to the result, in a sort of total emotional involvement all'innamoramento similar. The state of flow is born 'on the edge of chaos' between 'boredom' (induced by low-challenger) and anxiety (induced by excess pressure) and it is this fine line that managers can really build the conditions for the emergence of reasons: firstly, providing a clear vision and who can be 'in love', challenging but not unattainable, in which participation is required and not merely a creative executive.
First conclusion: we all need money and food to live, but some of us live for money or gorge themselves. Personally I do not think I would be happy to select candidates from the last category and I would not treat others as if they belonged there.
second conclusion: each of us has different motivations that drive him to get up every morning to go to work (work environment, colleagues, challenging goals, type of work, career opportunities, vocational training etc.).. The first failure of a manager is to infer that these differences are not significant and that there can be only one motivational strategy for everyone.
Third conclusion: If bonuses, increases and various awards have a limited effect in time and do not affect all in the same way, and it does not exist a motivational lever that is universal, then how can you meet the multiplicity of unexpressed needs of persons as You can address everyone without losing effectiveness?
Maybe it's the theme of 'Justification' is misleading, maybe it's a matter of perspective: we are looking at the details and we miss the floor, what would we see if we were to step back and look at the macro-needs, or better, what remains when our survival is assured. The primary need, then, what unites us all, at all latitudes and in all social communities is to 'make sense' to our action. We need to know that what we do has a purpose, its reason to exist. What we do is useful and appreciated as such. Even unconsciously we need to feel that our transition into a company - how on earth, however - will leave a trace, will come in some way for future generations. We are scheduled for this: it is part of our instinct for survival. Good leaders recognize the value of this and feel the energy of feed their team around a project, 'Vision, which can identify. How else would motivate the Breakers, if not teaching them to see beyond the single stone from the cathedral square?
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Welcom Address Samples
Peoplexpress is a permanent selection of , a subscription service for businesses, which, in addition to the more standard evaluation and selection My 'on demand', will enjoy hours of a constantly updated basin of candidates already selected and available, equitable and sustainable cost . For the candidates, however, is a means of gaining visibility so qualified, with the knowledge that they can at any time to allow selectors access to the latest information and stay in pole position (with a normal operation 'refresh' ). The database, in fact, is managed by professionals are determined to find the right job at the right person holding the best for her - and is therefore not a cauldron of anonymous CVs incomplete, unclear, imprecise and often obsolete. In essence, Peoplexpress is therefore primarily a service with a strong ethical content, which in my opinion, for this is going to lag behind for future generations of consultants.
At this point, I must clarify that I have presented here this service for reasons of personal gain (my profit is in fact equal to 0, 00 Euro), but because I firmly believe in the basic philosophy of the people, now friends, that Designers work in People. Their idea was born from years of experience in the selection and training and above all by a sincere desire to offer something different and not only innovative but also a concrete way to help firms (including small and small budget) and jobseekers employment to meet for a lasting and mutual benefit.
In closing, I would like to appeal to all managers involved in recruitment of like me in the enterprise, to reflect the value of a selection conducted on a permanent basis: to try someone for a replacement, or when 'just can not We can do without 'is not a good foundation on which to build the future of a team, much less an entire organization! Instead it is constantly exploring the territory in search of a particular talent, even better, looking for a 'nice person', with an open mind and receptive, you can fall in love with a 'nice-this progetto' of course as long as there is one to offer ... but that's another story and we can talk later - full of curiosity and desire to learn new things. Maybe we will not be able to take it immediately, but in the meantime include it in a sort of 'wish list', we start a dialogue and maybe, when the time is ripe, we finally have peace of mind needed to deal with the final selection of a candidate is not acceptable but just what 'right'. Why settle for less?
For more information:
Friday, February 20, 2009
First Check Home Drug Testfaint N

I hope you like what has pleased me. Happy reading!
Maria Cecilia Santarsiero ( Studio Santarsiero )
[...] " unnecessary testing," said Alice. "You can not believe impossible things."
"I would rather say that you have little experience," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did for half an hour a day. Sometimes even I could believe six impossible things before breakfast. "
(Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll)
Of the many vital processes that cross the organization today, the culture of creativity is among those most needed to address the complexity of the changes taking place and be able to access the games of the competition.
In the Company of postmodern capitalism, in fact, is no longer producing goods to characterize the market, no longer the technological know-how available to everyone, but it is the knowledge and the knowledge to dictate the forms of competition and profit.
be innovative and fast on such land is the key to remain at the heart of new forms of market development.
The culture of creativity involves the development of consciousness to move into a world where there are no more pre-established models and valid for all situations, where there are no forced schemes, which makes creativity is no longer a feature of some functions or individuals, but an attitude and an ability to be their entire organization.
Creativity can not be learned in a vacuum, is not something that is done on command, is a form of interaction between learners 'el' environment.
But it is also the culture of creativity, the most impudent and the most subversive of the established practices of making daily organization and therefore one that is more resistance in the conquest of space to share and acceptance in hierarchical links in the chain and roles established.
I am speaking here not of artistic creativity as a virtue, genius, innate and / or acquired a particular individual, but rather an orientation of a will, a provision of the creativity that can certainly be the individual but also a community that has chosen to take creativity as a style, its way to experiment in new forms of relationship, address problems and trigger innovation processes.
E 'disposition to believe that what seems impossible has its reason to exist, as well as answer the Queen to Alice, quite disheartened the possibility to believe impossible things. [...]
To make room for the culture of creativity an individual, group, organization must be prepared to destroy it before it builds. (Schumpeter). To understand this, just refer to the more typical actions that we implement in practical activities.
To renew a table of color is necessary to remove what remains of the previous coating, to renovate a house must accept the disappearance of space and functionality that we were accustomed to, even just throw an old habit that we've gotten spoiled mental and emotional energy costs. [...]
Maynard Keynes identified the real problem companies more than half a century ago: "The difficulty lies not in new ideas, but in the evasion of old ideas that branch out to those who have been educated as most of us, in all corners of the mind." [...] The culture of creativity subvert the principles on which very often, corporations, decisions are made:
"has always been done this way, this is the right way to go, our boss wants us to act In this way, according to our research and our data is so you have to do "
replacing it with a principle much more unstructured and anxiety: let's try and see ... [...]
Very often what happens is that instead of just because markets, competitive strategies and regulations change, the pre-existing mental models of customers and their needs, competitors and their strategies, rules of the game and the game itself, changing, as organizations tend to excel in doing so that "it was important yesterday."
directional control systems limit creativity because of their dependence on rationality, order, routine, responsibility, role, power, systems of measurement are the foundations of rationality to which we are so fond of.
Creativity aims to expand the context within which to make the decision, is more concerned with asking the right questions than to arrive to answer as quickly as possible, focusing equally on the careful observation of facts and interpretation of the facts.
It focuses equally on the skills of reflection (which require a certain detachment from the temporal problem) and focus on the intuitive powers that tend to accelerate troubleshooting.
is not the absence of rules that fosters creativity, but it is the excess of rules that inhibit it.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Toe Hurts After Cut From Pedicure

It 's true: we humans like to think that unhappiness is (always and only) out of us, an exogenous variable in short ... an inevitable condition that overwhelms us and we try in vain to flee for life.
Yet happiness is a state of mind that belongs to us just as human beings: it is a quality inherent in freedom and self-consciousness of all sentient beings. Because happiness is above all a choice - because we are free to react to adverse events without being suffocated by them, separating the 'what happens' in life, 'what we' - and is therefore aware of our nature, we forget to remember it when you want to suffer, when we stop obsessively seek the reasons why 'we must' be unhappy.
is worth to bring about the conclusion of the book, quoting Dostoyevsky :
"Everything is good. ... More. Man is unhappy because he can not be happy. For that reason alone. That's it, everything! Who understands it will be happy now, immediately, at the same time ... "
Ve leaving it as a reflection of the evening ...
Good Pro Life Thesis Statements
MANA , 'the spirit of things' is the title of this show of 'visual circus' two brothers born from the Italian-French gathered around him a group of artist-athletes with drugs which are preparing to conquer every audience in the world.
Stéphane Alexandre, Emily, Claudia, Francesca are just some of the names I should mention that the company Les Farfadais , but I chose them because they're friends, we ate together, visited Paris together, I was a guest in their loft-gym , I have guests at home and in my camper .... well, I have taken part in their everyday normality. I was able to see 'beyond' the profession, sets and costumes (all rigorously made by Farfadais!) And I tried to understand what lies behind an explosive talent like theirs. I think the first
all there is the absolute knowledge that you have received a gift, the need for sacrifice (you know how much pain is necessary to learn to bear to make those aerobatics?), the responsibilities that come with your choice of profession, discipline, the respect for others (colleagues and the public) and then of course a lot of passion, a passion that devours everything and always.
Stéphane Alexandre and are always in place, even when they are on the ground, and constantly create all intrigues and inspires them to create: they all have a relationship with the reality that seem to constantly transcend perfectly embodies the Mana , that 'spiritual energy which gives its name to their most famous show. Their talent is so strong that reverberate in every place where the exhibit and looking at more than one person, besides me, will perhaps come to see the imprint of the Divine.
I wonder what would have been if they had taken other roads, if the difficulties of the beginning, the sacrifices, or any negative feedback they had been stopped. But perhaps the talent lies in this: in an inner strength that makes you never give in and that forces you to exercise iron discipline, integrity in that you do not give excuses and justifications instead of forcing you to go always a little 'more beyond your limits. In spite of everything.
talent you can not hang all'attaccapanni when we come home: it is an essential quality of our life more than anything is what makes us who we are, is there with us when we go shopping or chatting with friends at bar is a light that shines and as such must be left in sight, not only because it's nice to admire, but also because it makes visible around the eyes that otherwise would remain in the shadows.